News & Updates

2024 Spring Updates

Reminder: Tryouts for Fall 2024 Travel Teams are on Wednesday, May 15th and Sunday, May 19th. All players, new & returning, need to register (no fee) and attend a tryout. 

Here are some Key Dates for the upcoming spring season:

  • Registration for Spring House League will close on March 16th
  • Pre-K Coaches Training Session, Friday, April 5th, Location TBD
  • BAYS Travel Games begin on Saturday, April 6th
  • Pope John Paul Park Opens for 2024 Spring Season, April 15th
  • House League begins on Sunday, April 21st
  • Tryouts for Fall 2024 BAYS Travel teams, Wednesday, May 15th at 6PM & Sunday, May 19th at PJP, Time TBD
  • No House League Games on Memorial Day Weekend

Travel Team Uniform Online Store is OPEN

We have launched an new order form with Clothing and accessories from CollegeHype and Ruffneck Scarves for all your DYS gear needs! Check it out here

Just a reminder to all families participating on a BAYS Travel Team that you need to purchase your uniform in time for the season to start. Uniform turnaround time is minimum 5 weeks and there are less than 7 weeks until our first games!

Link to Store: Dorchester Youth Soccer at Stoller Sports

House League Registration Closes Tonight: September 1st

We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and is excited for the start of the soccer season! This a reminder that registration for the 2023 House League Season closes tonight, Friday, September 1st. If you do not register by tonight, we cannot guarantee your child a spot on a team.


We are also offering clinics, lead by parent coaches, for kids as young as 3 years olds this year.


Please remember that we are still looking for coaches and volunteers to help us out this season!

Fall House Soccer 2023

Good morning, Dorchester Youth Soccer families!


This fall is our 40th Year of soccer in Dorchester after starting back in 1983. We hope that you return this season to help us celebrate this anniversary! We will be selling t-shirts, sweatshirts and hats to commemorate this milestone. 


A reminder that registration for our Fall 2023 House League is now open on! House league will start on Sunday, September 10th and conclude on Sunday, November 5th. The grade levels start with a clinic for youth in KO, and then the traditional DYS House League for children in grades K1 & K2, Grades 1 & 2, Grades 3 & 4.


We are also looking for a few more players to join our Grade 5 Boys Travel Team and Girls Grade 6 Travel Teams. Please reach out if you are interested!!



Best regards,


The team at DYS

House League Registration is LIVE!

We look forward to another exciting Fall season of soccer!


Please note, House League is for grades Pre-K through 4.

BAYS Travel Registration is OPEN

Players that have been selected for Fall 2023 Travel Teams have been notified and we ask that those players please register no later than Friday, July 21st.


If you are unsure of your status for a BAYS travel team this fall, please reach out to Wil Holbrook at [email protected] and we will help provide clarity.


HOUSE LEAGUE PARENTS - Information & Registration on the Fall 2023 season will be posted soon!


Thank you for your patience and we are excited for the Fall Soccer Season!

Coaches Appreciation Party!

Reminder that our Spring Coaches Appreciation Party is next Wednesday, June 21st at 5:30PM at the Blarney Stone!


Please join us in food & drink to celebrate all your hard work from this past season!


Don't forget to RSVP to [email protected] so that we have plenty of food for all.

REMINDER: Fall 2023 Travel Team Tryouts

Dorchester Youth Soccer will be holding tryouts for all players who want to play in the BAYS Travel League in Fall 2023. Attendance will be mandatory for all players/families.


Register on the Dorchester Youth Soccer Website on the REGISTER link in the Green Header Above


Day 1 - Wednesday, June 14th


  • Start time: 5:45 PM
  • Who: Rising 3rd and 4th graders (players currently in 2nd & 3rd grade) both boys & girls
  • Staff: All current grade level coaches + 6 board members


Day 1 - Thursday, June 15th


  • Start time: 5:45 PM
  • Who: Rising 5th graders and above (players currently in 5th grade and above) both boys & girls
  • Staff: All current grade level coaches + 6 board members


Rain Date - Friday, June 16th